What is hypnosis?
There is no formal definition of hypnosis, and science has not yet fully explained exactly how it works. There are however some general characteristics:
- It is a state of deep, inner absorption
- There is heightened imagination
- There is, but not necessarily, a feeling of deep relaxation
Hypnosis is a naturally occurring altered state of consciousness. In this regard there are some everyday forms of hypnosis:
- Daydreaming, for example when driving. You may have had the experience of arriving at home and wondering how you got there!
- Watching a movie
- Reading. You may become so immersed in a book that you may be oblivious of external distractions
Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy where hypnosis is used with any particular style of counselling. All therapists have different tools and a variety of techniques that they combine with hypnosis.
Hypnotherapy is usually a rapid intervention that establishes and enhances feelings of empowerment or confidence. You can also access hidden memories and reach a stage of new insight where previously unconscious motivations are understood. Hypnotherapy can also release your fear and/or previously repressed emotion that could be affecting your emotional state and behaviour today.
– Although you are more suggestible under hypnosis, the therapist can’t get you to do anything beyond your better judgement.
– Hypnosis is not a truth serum. You will not tell the hypnotherapist anything you don’t want to. A person can also lie under hypnosis.
– Subjects under hypnosis are not under the control of the therapist. They can exert their own will at any time.
– You are not asleep or close to sleep when under hypnosis. You are inwardly deeply absorbed and in fact hyperattentive.
- Breaking habits, such as smoking
- Anxiety-based disorders, such as panic attacks and phobia
- Pain control
- Sexual problems
- Weight control and eating disorders
- Sleep problems
- Post-traumatic stress
- Enhancing confidence and self-esteem
- Helping cancer patients to focus on positive thinking and outcome
- Enhancing performance at work/sport
- Stress relief
- Preparation for childbirth